Monday, June 16, 2008

Hide and seek

A couple of things, for the road, as most of the family is leaving for Tennessee for a little getaway, till Sunday. The heir to the throne will stay home, for so he can "chill." Not sure what ELSE the boy does, but hey, I wouldn't mind a week alone either. We're just hoping that a) the house doesn't get burned down, b) the animals survive, cause the heir to the throne will not survive if anything happens to the brat's animals, c) no beer is involved at any point of the week, d) no one gets pregnant.

Actually, probably the worst thing that he'll do is sit nekkit on my couch which, as he told me last night "wouldn't be the first time." I could've done without the visuals that that evoked, but oh well.

And so we're off, to have the kiddies, and most likely the hubby, go down the hill in a Zorb ball:

Crazy stuff, but it's got Seth written all over it.

Meantime, tell your friends, I made the blog easier to find. You can now just type in, and you'll be directed straight here, so you won't miss a minute of the fun. Or the pretties, like this Lurex leaves pinup sweater, from Fast Eddie's Retro Rags, who also bought her own domain recently. If you get too lonely for me, just go look at her stuff, and get in touch with your inner delinquent. My delinquents will be rolling down the hill.

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